Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stay married for life – The Key Is Meeting Your Spouse’s Love Needs

Meeting your spouse’s love needs is one of the most important responsibilities you have in your marriage and this is all about keeping your marriage vows; for better or worse. Doing this you is building a firm foundation for a great marriage.

When you focus on meeting your spouse’s need you become more motivated to do what you were born to become. Neglecting the needs of your spouse could cost you your marriage. The bottom line reason for meeting your spouse’s needs are that if you don’t, you could lose him/her to another man or woman, something I bet you don’t want.

Your spouse emotional, physical, relational and spiritual needs are very essential, and when not met, would affect your marriage. Meeting the needs of your spouse, guards your marriage against temptation. You need to know your spouse’s heart and needs, and then sacrificially step away from your own selfishness and learn how to meet those needs.

Most couples if asked if they are meeting their spouse’s love needs, the general answer would be yes. Truly, what most people are doing is that they assume their spouse wants what they want and begin to satisfy that assumed need, instead of trying to know and ask their spouse about their actual needs. It is when these needs are known that you can actually satisfy them.

Are you willing to meet your spouse’s needs? Then take some time and follow these steps. Ask yourself, am I really committed to meeting his/her needs. List the needs you presume your spouse wants you to satisfy, also list your own needs. Then find time and discus with your spouse, stating how you intend meeting his/her needs, tell your partner just how you feel. In return your spouse would be happy and feel appreciated and would go the extra mile to help you by revealing all you need to know.


Ensure that fire of love keep burning in your marriage. It doesn’t matter how bad you think the situation maybe. Here are the secrets that guarantee a loving and happy marriage. Click Here To See The Details.

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