Friday, April 23, 2010

Safeguarding Your Marriage – For Women

In keeping a happy and fulfilling marriage wives should always ensure they become students to their spouse spiritually, emotionally, sexually and relationally. What I mean by this, is you should take time out to study your husband, learn everything about him: his sexual rhythm, his needs and how you can help him in overcoming his weaknesses.

The mystery and beauty of any healthy sexual relationship is the desire to be known at the deepest, most intimate level by the couple. Do you know or care what pleases your husband sexually, or the kind of signals he gives indicating his desire to have sexual experience with you. These are issues most women take for granted, but are very important to the male gender. In most cases males are secretive about their sexual desires they tend to expect their wives to know how they feel.

On the other hand wives feel that their husbands discussing about their sexual desires makes them look like sex machines which their husbands just switches on each time they desire sex. This not true, the masculine expression of intimacy is through sexual connection, while that of the feminine gender is through communication, emotions and tenderness.

The bridging of this difference about both genders is what ensures unity and happiness in a marriage union. Wives please learn and understand that your husband really care about you, and desires to be intimate and close to you, but can in most cases relate to after being fulfilled of his desires. Once a man desire is met he automatically responds lovingly and tenderly to his spouse, because he appreciates being satisfied by someone he loves dearly, your submission as a wife makes him feel manly, giving him a high sense of esteem.

Men feel rejected once their wife turns them down for sexual intimacy. They tend to recoil into their shells and in most cases not talk about how they feel. The danger is that they might start looking for fulfillment elsewhere, this I know you hate as a wife. Think about it, your husband loves you so much to desire you sexually, he connects and bonds with you each time you allow him to enjoy what you both share. Find a way to discuss with your husband, if there are attitudes he portrays which you dislike, let him know how you feel, he would listen and try as much as he can to please the woman he loves, the mother of his children.


Ensure that fire of love keep burning in your marriage. It doesn’t matter how bad you think the situation maybe. Here are the secrets that guarantee a loving and happy marriage. Click Here To See The Details.

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