Friday, April 30, 2010

Building the Perfect Future in Your Family

Do you realize that you are grooming the next generation of husbands? There’s an old adage that says: “if you want to know what kind of a husband a man will be, watch how he treats his mother.” A man treats his mother, by and large, the way he has seen his father treat her as his wife.

The way you love, lead and protect your wife and children speaks loudly to your children; it models to your daughter the kind of man should look for in a husband. One of the most valuable lessons you can teach your children is how a good man should relate to his wife and how he should lovingly lead his family.

You and your spouse are role models to your kids, whether you know it or not, you unconsciously pass non verbal messages to your children everyday by the way you live. You and your spouse should endeavor to keep and maintain a loving relationship; you owe that to your children and also to yourselves. I know you would like to be a proud grand parent in the future watching with love and adoration as your grandchildren play around you, nice picture right?

To create that loving scene you have to work at it, as a team with your spouse. Let your home be a resting nest where all the members of your family come back to everyday for love, support and succor. This helps in strengthening the bond within your family unit. Your children feel a sense of security when they see and know that their parents truly love each other. It helps them build better relationships and improves their confidence in social gatherings, while they concentrate and excel in their academics.

This is the bedrock having a happy closely knit family; it entails conscious and persistent work, from both you and your spouse. Make up your mind to work at it, it is achievable, the first step is talking to your spouse and giving them the opportunity to buy into your vision. The future is for sure yours to enjoy and savor, so get on course and enjoy the expedition.


Ensure that fire of love keep burning in your marriage. It doesn’t matter how bad you think the situation maybe. Here are the secrets that guarantee a loving and happy marriage. Click Here To See The Details.

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