Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things You Must Avoid To Save Your Marriage

Couples faced with challenges in their marriage, tend to hide it from either their friends or family. The truth is that these challenges are universal. Trying to avoid these problems is what you are about to read.

Never Take Each Other For Granted

When a couple start taking each other for granted, this the beginning of problems in the marriage. The worries and challenges encountered during daily activities in your work and social gatherings begin to take a greater share of your lives. This on the long run begins to affect your relationship with your spouse, slowly you drift apart emotionally and the bond between both partners weakens.

When you notice this trend, you and your spouse should deliberately create time for yourselves. Go out on dates like you did during courtship. Think about those spontaneous things you did in winning the love of your spouse and ignite them once again.

Unresolved Resentments a Catalyst For Break Up

When couples create room for resentment, they lose touch emotionally. That intimacy you both enjoy dwindles with time. Resentment and judgmental spirit leads to lack of respect in the relationship. Couples should come together and let out all the anger and disappointments they have nurtured against each other and find measures in talking about their differences before they sleep each day.

Always Discard Unwanted Baggage

These are unresolved past experiences and hurts. They comprise of things you don’t want in your marriage, and are still there. Example of these are, a spouse that comes back home late into the night, a nagging spouse, and an insensitive partner. On the other hand, there are things you wished were present in your marriage, but seem unreachable. Like more frequent calls from spouse, public display of love and affection, verbal affirmation of love respect and appreciation.

In trying to endure weight of the baggage, your marriage is surely going to crash because of the multiple effects of resentment and disappointments. The best thing to do about the baggage is to toss them over board, this to lighten the weight of your marriage ship, for it to sail to the destination of bliss, love and happiness.


Ensure that fire of love keep burning in your marriage. It doesn’t matter how bad you think the situation maybe. Here are the secrets that guarantee a loving and happy marriage. Click Here To See Details.

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